New lie by Azerbaijani foreign office

New lie by Azerbaijani foreign office

17:04 / 04/01/2010
Belarus has repeatedly stated its position on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict through high-ranking officials. Minsk is for the soonest settlement of the conflict within international law, Belarussian Ambassador to Armenia Stepan Sukharenko told
The Azerbaijani mass media recently reported that the participants in the Azerbaijani-Belarussian consultations pointed out that “the only way of establishing durable peace in the region is settling the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict on the principle of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.”
“Both friendly nations, Armenia and Azerbaijan, are close to us. We are for the soonest settlement of the conflict in the conflicting parties’ interests, as the present situation cannot be considered normal,” the Ambassador said.
So it is obvious that the Azeri mass media is once again misinforming the public about the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process.

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