Today’s Zaman: Armenian issue has become a variable of Turkey-U.S. relationship

Today’s Zaman:

Armenian issue has become a variable

of Turkey-U.S. relationship

December 25, 2010 23:14 posts the article “New Balances, old stories” by Beril Dedeoglu published in Today’s Zaman daily.
“While the world is changing and Turkey takes brand new steps in the foreign and domestic policy domains, some old and chronic problems remain unresolved, stimulating a feeling of apathy. One of these chronic issues is the Cyprus problem and the other one is the Armenian issue,” the daily reports.
“Despite the impression of being international matters, these two are domestic political issues, too. The debate on these subjects is used as leverage to keep the nationalistic, authoritarian and autarkical mechanisms alive, and they have thus become critical for Turkey’s process of democratization. These two issues are also used by international players as brakes for Turkey’s foreign policy. We overlook just how much these two issues play into Turkish politics at home and abroad,” the source says.
“The Armenian issue has become one of the variables of the Turkey-US relationship. Turkey’s mistakes are the main reason for this odd situation as this issue should be a variable of the Turkey-Armenia relationship. The actual state of affairs is boring enough and the Turkish public does not care as it is used to the reports coming from Washington on the fate of congressional resolutions. There are even people who openly say that they will be relieved if Congress were to adopt an “Armenian resolution,” not because they support its content, but because they’ve had enough with wasting energy on this. Such a resolution would do much harm to relations between Turkey and Armenia, and those who wish to establish a new balance in the southern Caucasus should be worried about this. Similarly, if Turkish-US relations turn sour, how one can expect Ankara to make the US the biggest partner of the “regime” Turkey wants to establish with Iraq, Syria and others? What if it calls on Russia to lend a hand?” the author stresses.
“In today’s world choices are multiple for each player, and it becomes very hard to count simply losses and gains. It is also more difficult to treat old issues with classic methods to put pressure on other players. Every choice has a cost, but it’s also true that today choices are dictated much more by domestic balances rather than foreign pressures,” the daily reports.

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