Ankara responsible for failure in Armenian-Turkish dialogue, Turkish expert says

Ankara responsible for failure
in Armenian-Turkish dialogue,
Turkish expert says
November 10, 2010 16:35
Ankara is responsible for failure in Armenian-Turkish normalization process, despite its attempts to put blame on Yerevan, said Turkish political expert Ali Birand, commenting on Chatham House award to President Abdullah Gul.
He expressed regret that Armenian-Turkish process was not completed. “We have bowed our heads before Azerbaijan’s resistance. We failed to provide fraternal Azerbaijan with sufficient information. At the last moment they abandoned us halfway. Due to our failure, solutions to the Armenian issue remains halfway as well,” Birand wrote in his article in Milliyet, Salamnews reported.
Surprisingly, British Chatham House awarded Abdullah Gul for his constructive stance on Cyprus issue and efforts to normalize Armenian-Turkish relations. Meanwhile, ratification of the Armenian-Turkish protocols is suspended due to constant preconditions set by Ankara.

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