Real turnout in Azerbaijan’s parliamentary elections is 35%, says Armenian expert

Real turnout in Azerbaijan’s
parliamentary elections is
35%, says Armenian expert
13:12 • 08.11.10
There are already some reports that about 70 members of the ruling Yeni Azerbaijan (New Azerbaijan) party, including Azerbaijani first lady, have during the Sunday’s voting won seats to the new parliament, Director of Noravank Foundation Gagik Harurtyunyan told a press conference today.
“It seems that the results were expected for all. But there is a nuance: there was a 65% turnout during the last parliamentary elections. This time, according to the preliminary results, no more than 50% turnout has been registered,” said he, adding that there has been a 15% decrease in turnout.
Further he said that given the technologies used in Azerbaijan’s parliamentary voting, Mr Harurtyunyan expressed conviction that the real turnout in that voting does not exceed 30-35%.
Mr Harurtyunyan also noted that if the opposition used to very active in the past and would hold meetings, marches and demonstrations, how it has become very indifferent.
“There is certain apathy towards such elections in the Azerbaijani society,” he explained. “Finally, we can state that all in Azerbaijan seem to have reconciled themselves with the existing situation.”
According to him, that indifference and inactivity in the Azerbaijani society is accounted for by shrinking oil deposits. “They feel that there is no perspective for development in the future,” said Mr Harurtyunyan.

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