Holy Etchmiadzin condemns namaz prayed by Turks in Ani

Holy Etchmiadzin

condemns namaz

prayed by Turks

in Ani

14:48 • 02.10.10
Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin has released a statement condemning the recent namaz prayed by Turks in the Mother Cathedral of Ani, located in the ruins of medieval Armenian town of Ani currently under the rule of the Republic of Turkey.
"This step is a political provocation and has nothing to do with spiritual-pious feelings and religious freedoms and rights. It is at the same time an attempt to deny the Armenian origin of the Mother Cathedral of Ani that has been deprived of prayers due to the Armenian Genocide," said the statement.
Earlier on Friday members of Turkish Nationalist Movement Party headed by the party leader Devlet Bahceli, rushed into the Mother Cathedral of Ani and prayed namaz. Some of them even managed carving the words "Mohammed" and "Allah" on the front entrance of the church in Arabic, apparently to enrage Armenians.
"The Mother See of Wholly Etchmiadzin condemns such actions which seed intolerance and anti-Armenianism. Also the provision of the Christian holy site for a namaz prayer is totally unacceptable given the heirs of the Christian heritage is consistently banned from praying in their own cathedrals," the statement added.
The Holly Etchmiadzin also said that by this step the Turkish authorities continue taking steps aimed at demolishing the Armenian monuments and appropriating the Armenian historical sanctuaries and cultural values.
Also, Turkey is hindering the efforts by Armenia and international community to normalize the relations between Yerevan and Ankara, the statement mentioned.
The Armenia-Turkey normalization process was halted this spring when Armenia's President Serzh Sargsyan signed a decree and suspended the ratification of the Armenia-Turkey Protocols in the parliament only after Turkey linked their ratification to the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.


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