Armenia should become a bridge among Arab and Caucasus states, says Deputy Chairman of Lebanon's CB

Armenia should become a
bridge among Arab and
Caucasus states, says
Deputy Chairman
of Lebanon's CB

Armenia's legal system has been improved, creating favorable conditions for foreign investments, Deputy Chairman of Lebanon's Central Bank Harutyun Samuelian told late on Monday.
Mr Samuelian is in Armenia in the framework of a two-day forum that has brought 45 outstanding Armenian financiers and bankers from across the world.
The initiative is aimed at uniting the potential of the Armenian bankers and financiers in Diaspora, as well as at establishing an association of bankers and financiers and build a professional network.
"Armenia's legal system has been improved. Here the rights of all those who want to come and invest in Armenia can already be defended," said Mr Samuelian, adding he considered the activities by Armenia's Central Bank as positive.
Further he said, he attached importance to the idea, according to which, Armenia should be turned into a regional financial centre. But before that Armenia needs to be integrated into the world financial sector and gain relevant experience.
According to Harutyun Samuelian, there is a lot of difference between Lebanon, which is already a financial centre, and between Armenia, which is intending to become one.
"Firstly, Lebanon's and Armenia's geographic positions are different. Lebanon has a very favorable geographic position, we have sea, and we are close to the Arab states. These issues are very important to become a financial centre," said he, adding that Armenia should establish ties with the Arab states.
"I am calling on the Armenian banks to come and settle in Lebanon. Armenia should become a link among the Arab and the Caucasus states. This is very important," explained Harutyun Samuelian.

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